Hey, I’m Laura Strand

Wife, Mama, Pastor, Speaker, Writer, Podcaster. Lover of History and Chocolate.

My husband, Rocky, and I have been married for 24 years and doing ministry alongside each other for over ten years. We have three amazing kids, Peyton, Ian, and Isabel, and two mini doodles, Vader and Solo (Yes, we’re total Star Wars nerds). In 2016, our unexpected dream of planting a church in our home town of Cape Girardeau, Missouri began and just two years later it became clear that the time had come to fulfill the dream God placed in our hearts. And just like that, The Bridge Church was born and we haven’t looked back!

When I’m not spending time with my family or my church family, I’m probably curled up in my favorite chair with a hot cup of coffee getting lost in book.

I’m crazy about Jesus and the truth of God’s Word through writing, speaking, and podcasting. My heart is to help women live radiantly by finding peace, choosing patience, and discovering their God-given purpose through truth illuminated in His Word.

Laura Strand
Laura Strand
Laura Strand

I believe…

God created each of us to live radiantly, reflecting His light to the world around us. But the chaos of life often leaves us feeling anything but radiant. We can learn how to choose God’s ways and live out our God-given purpose.

Let’s get in touch

You can fill out the form here with the details of your inquiry or email me directly: laurasstrand@gmail.com

Shine your light. Live radiantly.